Dimitris Tsoumplekas is a visual artist born in Athens, 1967.

Along with his solo shows he has participated in various group shows (such as Anatomy of Political Melancholy, Schwarz Foundation, Samos, 2018, The Decline of Heroes, Culturescapes festival in Basel, 2017, No Country for Young Men, BOZAR, Brussels, 2014, La premiere Image, CRAC, Languedoc-Rousillon, France, 2009, Dynamics of Urban Culture, IX Bienal de la Habana, Cuba, 2006, Mediterraneans, Macro al Matattoio, Rome, 2004)

He is a member of the collective Depression Era and he had co-currated various DE shows.

His latest curatorial project was the exhibition “Amour- an interpretation of Nikos Kessanlis photographic archive”, at the House of Cyprus, 2017.

His latest publication is the photo book “Texas”, a visual narration about the current situation in Greece.

He is working as a freelance photographer and illustrator.